Kolkali & Parichakali are the two popular folk art forms in the Territory.
They are an integral part of the cultural milieu except in Minicoy where "
Lava ' is the most popular dance form. Some of the folk dances have a resemblance
with those in North Eastern India.
For marriages " Opana " is a common feature, a song sung by a lead
singer & followed by a group of women. Picnics are a common leisure activity
in Minicoy. The widely celebrated festivals are Idulfitr, Bakrid, Milad-Ul-Nabi
& Muharram.
Status of Women
Women of the Territory enjoy a higher social status & economic freedom than
their counterparts elsewhere in the country. The Matrilineal route of inheritance
through the females keep the women folk independent. Divorce is accepted &
encouraged. The predominance of woman in every walk of life is a noteworthy
feature in Minicoy, especially.