These islands have a humid, warm & generally pleasant climate. The temparature
is 1640 mm, Annual rainfall decreass from South to North. It is found that 80-90-days
a year are rainy. Winds are light to moderate during October to March.
Qualifying Seasons
The temparature increases from South to North. April & May are the hottest
months with an average temparature os 32° C. The relative humidity is 70-75%.
Languages, Manners, Customs
A dialect of Mahalayam is spoken in the inhabited islands. In Minicoy, Mahi
is the language used. There is very little difference in the customs & the
manners of th people despite a few cultural differences. Marriages are arranged
by parents excepts in Minicoy where courting is prevelent. Arranged marriages
are common & the negotiations originate from the brides family.
While in Minicoy the groom is selected from the same social & economic strata,
maternal uncle's son is the first choice in all the other islands. The ' Nikah
' takes place in the Mosque or at the bride's residence. In Minicoy the marriage
ceremony is relatively simple. The expenses for the functions are borne by the
bridegroom's family. An interesting feature of Minicoy is the absence of the
parents from certain functions related to the marriage. The average household
has 3-4 rooms. Minimum furniture is used in homes. A swinging cot is a very
common feature.
Rice is the stapkle food of the people. As a rule the people are non-vegetarians.
Coconut is widely used. The manner of dressing of the people is simple &
similar to the Muslims of the Malabar coast. The territory has a closely-knit
community life.