Location : 10 km from Ernakulam town,central Kerala.
Visiting hours : 9.00 to 12.30 hrs. and 14.00 to 16.30 hrs. on all days
except Mondays.
Highlights: Kerala's first heritage museum. Royal collections of the
erstwhile Maharaja of Kochi.
Hill Palace, the official residence of the Kochi royal family, is today the
largest archaeological museum in Kerala. Built in 1865, the palace complex consists
of 49 buildings in the trational architectural style of Kerala, sprawled over
52 acres of beautifully landscaped terraced land which houses a deer park and
facilities for horse riding. Numerous species of flora including rare medicinal
plants grow here. On display in the full-fledged Ethno-archaeological museum
are oil-paintings, murals, sculptures in stone and manuscripts, inscriptions,
coins, belongings of the Kochi royal family and royal furniture including the
simhasana (throne).
Also exhibited are over 200 antique pieces of pottery and ceramic vases from
Japan and China, Kudakkallu (tomb stone), Thoppikkallu (hood stone), menhirs,
granite, laterite memorials, rock cut weapons from the stone ages, wooden temple
models, plaster cast models of objects from Mohanjodaro and Harappa of the Indus
Valley Civilisation. The museum also houses a gallery of contemporary art.
Getting there:
Nearest railway station : Ernakulam, about 10 km
Nearest airport : Cochin International Airport, about 30 km.