Locate India
Wednesday, 24 February 2016


North Goa

North Goa is known and loved as a land of golden beaches, palm trees, paddy fields and wooded hills. Its churches, temples, shrines and forts tell its history. It is associated with music, the famous Goan cuisine and most of all with a peace-loving , smiling people.

The North Goa District has an area of 1736 Sq. Km. Its geographical position is marked by 15o 48’ 00” N to 14o 53’ 54” N latitudes and 73o E to 75o E longitudes.

North Goa shares its boundaries with the Sawantwadi & Dodamarg, of Ratnagiri District and Kolhapur District of Maharastra state and with South Goa District shares the southern boundary

Physical Features
North Goa being a part of the West Coast region of India, has many physical features that are common to neighbouring regions of Maharastra and Karnataka States.

But the features that land the landscape and scenery of Goa a distinctive charm of their own, are the Sahyadris in the east. The middle level plateaus in the center with their detached elements abutting in several places into the sea, and the low-lying river basins and the coastal plains

Lakes constitute a scenic feature in Goa, though most of them have a limited and local use for irrigation. Most of them owe their origins to the bunds across stream valleys, large and small, and also on plateau margins and in alluvial flats.
The important lakes of West Goa are Mayem, Chimbel, Carambolim & Calapur.

The territory, which is situated well within the tropics and flanked by the Arabian Sea to the west and the Western Ghats (Sahyadri) rising to an average height of 1 km. To the east, has tropical-maritime and monsoon type of climate, with profound orographic influence.

Accordingly the climate is moist throughout the year. Other features of the climate are the regular and sufficient rainfall 320 cm during the southwest monsoon season, mainly from June to September. The climate is generally pleasant. Discomfort may be felt in the absence of wind particularly during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon months.

Due to proximity of the seas, the territory is generally humid, with a further rise in humidity during the monsoon weather. Even in summer the relative humidity is above 60 percent.

Temperature variations through the seasons are also slight. May is the relatively warmest month when the mean daily temperature is around 30 degrees C and January the coolest with mean daily temperature at slightly lower value of about 25 degrees C. Along the coast the maximum temperature recorded rarely goes beyond 37 degrees C.

Summer: 24 o C - 32 o C
Winter: 21.3 o C - 32.2 o C
Rainfall: 320 cm (June to September)

Languages Spoken
Konkani, Marathi, Hindi, English & Portuguese

Tropical clothing throughout the year, light woolen in December- January

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