Air : Thiruvanantahpuram International Airport at Valiyathura: Flights
to Cochin, Madras, Delhi, Bangalore, Goa and Bombay. International to Colombo,
Mali, Dubai, Abudhabi and Kuwait. Pre-paid taxi service available in the airport.
Rail : Thiruvanantahpuram Central Railway Station, Thambanoore. Rail
services to all important cities in India.
Road : State owned Transport Corporation runs buses from its major depot.
at Thampanoore to all major cities in Kerala and Tamilnadu. A few services are
also to Bangalore, Capital of Karnataka. Round the clock services to major cities.
City bus services from early morning to late night.
Accommodation, Food : The city has several hotels of different categories
including five-star and deluxe ones , with Kerala, Indian, Continental menu.
Beaches have finest resorts with all mod cons.