Dolapwnima or Holi is the most famous spring festival of India. Usually celebrated
in March It has special properties in its celebration in Orissa where it is
a five day affair, especially in the rural areas. The images of Krishna are
worshipped form Dashami (10th day of the bright fortnight) to the full moon
The images are taken in decorated vimans, small wooden temples, carried
on the shoulders of bearers from house to house where offerings are made to
them. After the tour of the village the vimanas from different villages are
assembled in an open field and the time is spent in bhajana and kirtan. Jatras
and palas are also held in the area. The day after the full moon day people
throw coloured water on one another and smear each other's faces with coloured
powder (3bir).
The festival is specially important for cattle owing to their association with
the cowherd boy Krisllna. They are bathed, anointed with vermillion, garlanded
and fed sumptuously. The festival is connected with the destruction of the demon
Holikasura or the she-demon Holika by making a bonfire, for which the festival
is called Holi.