Besides mural paintings, we get miniature paintings, which are called patta
chitras. Pattas are now used as wall hangings. The subject matter of Patta paintings
is limited to religious themes. The stories of Rama and Krishna are usually
depicted on the pattas. "Rasa Lila", "Vastra Haran", "Kaliya
Dalan" are some of the recurring themes of Patta art. Patta chitras of
Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra, the Navagrahas and the deities are
also famous. In some parts of Orissa, during marriage ceremonies, Patta chitras
of Durga and Mahadeva are used. The present generation of patta painters paint
in the style of the oleography on the walls of big temple.
The Patachitras are paintings on cloth. In the absence of paper, cloth gives an extended smooth surface and is easily transported. Patta paintings are so called because they are executed on silken hand woven both. They are painted with bright colours and possess a charm peculiarly their own.Their pictorial conceptions, their unique painting technique and line formations together with colour schemes make them a remarkably original art form that is distinct from any other school of painting either in or outside India.