Orissa has an age old tradition of Painting which stretches from the prehistoric
rock shelters to the temples and mathas of this century. Out of these the traditional
painters , the tribal painter , the folk and rock painters are of significance.
Tribal Paintings
Orissa has a rich tribal culture. The Sauras, the Kondhs and the Santals decorate
their houses with motifs of flowers, birds and geometrical designs. The Saura
paintings are intimately related to religious beliefs and drawn in order to
appease demigods' and spirits. On the occasion of animal sacrifices, the Sauras
draw ittals on their walls. The themes of these paintings are usually dream
sequences. A medley of objects such as a comb or even a bicycle map figure in
modem Saura paintings. The Kondh wall paintings are generally in the form of
geometrical designs. Santals also paint their houses with figurative patterns.
Rock Paintings
Painted rock shelters are situated in the densely wooded tracts of western Orissa.
The rock shelters at Ulapgarh and Vikram Khol in Sambalpur district, Manikmada
and Ushakothi in Sundargarh district, Gudahandi and Yogimatha in Kalahandi district,
offer the joy of discovering a primitive culture, rare in the whole of Eastern
India. There are natural rocks in these areas covered with prehistoric paintings.
The Ravana Chhata Rock al Sitabinjhee of Keonjhar district contains a painting
of a very high order. It depicts the procession scene of a King riding a caparisoned
elephant. There are horse-riders and soldiers on the march holding shafts and
banners, followed by a female attendant. This painting carries reminiscence
of Aianta murals. The rock painting in these natural caves are coloured with
the help of a twig of a palm tree turned into a brush by hammering its fibrous
end. The paintings differ from place to place.