e_Filing of Income Tax Returns
Income Tax Department has introduced electronic filing (e_filing) of returns
by salaried persons, who do not have Income from business or profession. The
e_filing facility is available to taxpayers in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai,
Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkatta and Mumbai. In order to allow entitled
taxpayers to e_file returns for assessment year 2003-2004, due date for filing
of such returns has been extended from 31 July, 2003 to 30 September, 2003.
Interested taxpayers should contact any authorized e_intermediary.
Easier filing of salary returns, Faster processing of returns on computers,
Speedy issue of refunds, Assured service of intimation sheets / refunds ...
Sampark is a user friendly software prepared and supplied free of cost by the
Income Tax Department. It may be used for preparing returns of income from comfort
of home or office. Knowledge of tax laws and provisions not essential. Income
Tax Department encourages free duplication for multiple usage.